Todd Thomas Kress - The Public Facts.
3 Felonies - “Continuous Family Violence”.
Convicted of 3 FELONIES and incarcerated
mugshots from arrest to SENTENCING.
2018 - 2019.
One of the most difficult challenges for any Victim of Abuse is to be BELIEVED.
Amidst the thousands of VALID cases of Intimate Partner Abuse there are some who use Intimate Partner Abuse as a divorce lever or a tool for revenge.
I provide the PUBLIC FACTS to support the veracity of my UNBEATEN story. By providing evidence that I didn’t just walk away from a ‘fender-bender’ but rather that I survived a total car wreck, my hope is that the lessons I share will carry more weight. Ultimately though it is up to you to decide what is helpful for you and those you love.
Click on the link at the end of this page and
judge for yourself.
Todd Thomas Kress Public Records.