Chapter 9 - The Lie-Trap

Deafening silence, followed by relentless harassment.

After Todd had been led off in handcuffs, and the Police had completed taking my statement, collecting evidence and photographing my injuries, everyone left. I think that is what it feels like after a tornado has flattened your home. A vortex with all the air sucked out of it. For me that’s when the shock really set in, and the next 2-3 days are a blur.

But here’s what I DO know. What my iPhone recorded.

Todd must have been ‘booked’? / ‘processed’? just before 3am on that morning, January 16th. Because at 2.59am my phone rang. And it rang relentlessly thereafter. Prepare yourself for an onslaught that looks like this:
2.59am, 3.03am, 3.12am, 6.15am, 7.36am, 8.48am, 9.34am, 1.06pm, 2.15pm (his family with groveling apologies), 6.26pm, 8.40pm. It continues through Jan 17th, and Jan 18th, and it finally stops at 9.57am on Jan 19th. Don’t ask me why. But I think the amazing Detective Ryan Hayden stepped in after I told him about the telephone harassment. Lesson - turn to your Detective for help.

You might have to withstand a similar onslaught. I remember answering a few calls. Four I think. The first 2 were shortly after his arrest. In the first he demanded I come to the San Marcos jail to pay his bail. He even instructed me which Bail Bond Company to use! In language I can’t repeat I informed him what to do with himself. You see ‘Submissive Me’ had died. The second call in the early hours of that first morning was Todd asking me “to marry him”. No, I can’t make this shit up!! I have heard the recording. Need I elaborate on my response? I’m afraid it wasn’t very ladylike. But this is a stark example of what Domestic Violence Power & Control looks like.

learning alert:

Here are some consoling facts that I wish I’d known, but they might help you or someone you Love:

- Calls from jail are RECORDED. And Todd self-incriminated to the point where it was almost ‘Game Over’ from the ‘get-go’. Of course my injuries and the preponderance of evidence all strengthened the case. But maybe this shows you the value of these calls, and it might shape how you handle this opportunity.

- Those of you who haven’t endured any of this, are probably screaming that isn’t fair. It’s entrapment. Well hardly. Todd is recorded clearly saying to me; ‘these calls are recorded so don’t say anything’. Pity he didn’t take his own advice.

- And furthermore he had signed my Protective Order at 9am on Jan 16th. So the endless calls after that time-stamp are Misdemeanors!! So switch your phone off and let you abuser call away and dig his own hole.

When is perjury, perjury? I’m confused.

I’m no lawyer. I have zero aspirations of becoming one. So I don’t understand the difference between “Hearsay” and “Perjury.” Sometime in early 2018 Todd’s ‘team’ filed a motion for a Bond Reduction Hearing. In June 2018 we had to appear in court where Todd’s family claimed they couldn’t afford the Bail. I also had to testify at this Bond Reduction Hearing. As a Victim be prepared to be put through the wringer. His sister and a ‘friend’ chose to testify, UNDER OATH, that the Bail amount was too much of a financial burden. This is Public Record.

After a waste of The Criminal Justice System’s time and money the Judge DENIED the motion to reduce his Bail. Just proves I guess that The People ain’t that dumb. It’s amusing how the family let Todd sit in jail for 5 months, then they requested this Bond Reduction hearing pleading poverty, then they fired the free Public Defender and hired a pricey private Defense attorney (who is currently striving to be elected as a Judge(!!), and then they suddenly could afford the Bail and Todd was released from jail while awaiting trial.

learning alert:

After this stressful circus I was advised by a private attorney to buy a transcript of the Hearing. You see, I wasn’t allowed to be in the courtroom when Todd’s two ‘witnesses’ testified, so I didn’t hear the ‘lies?’/‘erroneous convictions?’ firsthand. Buying that Transcript is the best investment ever! You too need to consider if you need to buy Transcripts of court proceedings that you are not allowed to be present in. They will illuminate the level to which your adversaries will stoop!

The Court Transcript I purchased reads like a Fairytale. An amazing exercise in Make-believe.

Obviously I’m not stupid enough to say this without solid supporting evidence of the slew of lies told by Todd’s witnesses under oath. More on that to come in subsequent Blogs.

So just brace yourself for the fact that there will be duplicity afoot. That’s OK as long as you are not part of it. The lies will eventually emerge. Prosecutor’s are NOT fools! And dishonest testimony will permanently discredit the liar from being a credible witness in the future.

For the abuser that’s called ‘cooking your own goose.’ But for you IT’S A WIN!

Just Keep Believing That The Truth Eventually Comes Out!

Denise Fonseca